Sunday, October 19, 2008

McCain, Palin, Obama & Biden

I don't know if I have ever been in an area where more Presidential/Vice-Presidential candidates have come to campaign. Palin was here in Lancaster yesterday prior to her SNL appearance. With only a few weeks left in the campaign, I wonder how many more visits we will be receive.

Driving through Lancaster, I am amazed by the number of Obama signs that are in yards. Actually, I am amazed by the amount of campaigning overall. This area, as I have been told, has always been a Republican strong hold to the extent that any Democrat should not even try to run for a board seat or office. Since we had just moved to Lancaster County just prior to the 2004 Presidential election, and I was still in overwhelm mode from the move and being a permanent SAHM, I can honestly say I did not pay much attention to the last election.

I am amazed by how many of our friends and acquaintances have been to at least one rally, if not more. Are the residents here more politically aware and active, or is it who is running for office?

Who will Lancaster County vote for President? I have no inkling - I haven't even made up my mind yet. In twenty-one years of voting, I don't think I have ever felt an election that is more vital and important to this nation. I want to make the right choice.

J believes he has made his decision - he announced during dinner on Wednesday who he was going to vote for. I am just glad he is voting - it sets a great example for the kids - especially the Oldest. Oldest and Middle seem to have their candidate chosen too. Now it is time for Mom to jump on the bandwagon and pick the most qualified candidate to lead this country and get us back to where we need to be.

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