Tuesday, November 28, 2006

My First Blog - My First Posting

WOW! I have a blog...something I never thought would happen in a gazillion years. What in the heck do I write now? Maybe the fact that it is 10:26, and I should be in bed getting some sleep, but instead I am here playing on the computer yet again.

I have some fabulous photos to upload here from our Thanksgiving spent in Virginia Beach with my parents. We took Abbey and Audrey to the beach to blow off some energy. It was fabulous. I haven't been to the beach in so long - I had forgotten how much I love it. Abbey had a blast running on the shoreline trying to stay out of trouble and out of the water. Audrey wasn't so sure about the noise and was really ticked that Abbey was running near the water.

Ashley spent most of time knitting her new poncho. I cannot believe how well that child can knit; her poncho is gorgeous. I think I am jealous of my daughter's talent. I will post a photo as soon as she is finished. She fell in love with the yarn store down in Virginia Beach - it is called Knit Wits. After visiting the store with her - gracious - I can see why. All of those beautiful yarns - I wanted a felted bag. Love, love, love the ones I saw in the store. Now I need to figure out how to knit. Ha! Like I need another hobby. Gotta finish my scrapbooks first.
Thanksgiving was a true blessing this year after so much loss in our family the past few years. I am grateful that we had a wonderful time visiting with each other. The girls seemed to enjoy playing with each other - although Ashley has officially become a teenager as she could not escape from the adult table fast enough and of course, she cannot eat with the younger ones. Poor girl.
The absolute funniest part of the weekend was Abbey firing everyone that worked at her McDonald's. Cousin Drew gave Abbey and Audrey a McDonald's food set for Christmas. Abbey set up the restaurant and promptly fired both Drew and Audrey for not "working" correctly. Then she told the rest of us to get out of her office. Um, excuse me? But this is the living room, little girl. Oh, my gracious. This child will either be Donald Trump or Martha Stewart when she grows up. How did I get this bossy kid?
Alright, time to publish this first blog entry. I am getting tired, and the desk I was suppose to be organizing and cleaning is not getting done. Let me know what you think as I am not an avid reader of blogs so I am doing this as a shot in the dark. Wish me luck!
Night, y'all.

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